Healing Truths

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

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Guide for Empaths

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

Facebook. Instagram Youtube Website

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Dating for Empaths

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

Facebook. Instagram Youtube Website

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Chronic Pain

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

Facebook. Instagram Youtube Website

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Spiritual but Not Religious

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

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Natural Health

sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

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sore throat remedy

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

August 29, 20237 min read

Leslie Huddart L.Ac.​

My Go-To Sore Throat Remedies | Natural Health

I'm at home today nursing day two of a sore throat and thought you might like a peek at my favorite sore throat remedies. 

As a Chinese medicine doctor, you may have guessed that I have a large home pharmacy. This is definitely true, but I have a special section of just "getting sick" remedies all grouped together.

Then, when I'm feeling a cold starting to come on, I ask my body, via muscle testing, which remedies feel most appropriate from that collection and use those. 

(If you'd like an intro into how to do this procedure for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)

A few years ago on winter break, Jay and I went on a mountain retreat at a yoga center and both proceeded to come down with the worst flu either of us had had in memorable history.

We spent our entire week sick in bed in our room, dragging ourselves to the dining hall and back, restless with body aches and congestion all night, and not too much meditation or yoga to speak of. 

Why was it so bad?  I realized that I'd forgotten how most people go through a cold process - without any herbal support or remedies. 

I'd actually taken for granted that for the past 15 or even 20 years, I've always had some kind of herb, homeopathy, other supplement or acupuncture around to help my body weather a cold effectively. 

When I start something as soon as the symptoms begin, my colds are mild and last only a day or two at their worst. 

When we were away on retreat, we had no resources (until day 5 when we dragged ourselves to the nearby mountain town health food store and bought $60 worth of remedies to match the ones we had at home) and so the symptoms were super severe and dragged on for days and days.

Here's what I've been doing these past two days:

sore throat 1

Zinc echinacea losanges - from Therazinc

These guys are a super go to for me and my body seems to like them for any sign of a cold coming on. You'll know you're starting to get enough zinc in your system when the tablets seems to start having a funny taste to them that you didn't notice before.

They come in these little rolls which I stash in my bags and I also buy the larger size in a jar to have around. 

* (When we're super deficient in zinc, we don't notice the taste. When it starts tasting terrible, it's a sign your zinc stores are improving.)

sore throat

Umcka Throat Spray

I like this one, primary because they have somehow engineered the spray pump to really shoot strongly towards the back of your throat. This helps to get some soothing action way back there in the hard to reach scratchy places.

sore throat

Throat Spray Tone

Energetix is a great company that mostly distributes their remedies through licensed health care providers. This is a homeopathic remedy that I've been using as a general throat healing support several times per day.

sore throat

Gargling with salt water

I've been doing a basic salt water gargle several times per day to support loosening and clearing out the crapola lingering in my throat. you can use any type of salt, even the plain table salt kind, himalayan pink salt just happened to be what I had on hand.

sore throat 5

Towards the second day, I was feeling like the salt may be too drying for me at the moment since i just moved to a desert climate less than 3 weeks ago. I then backed off the salt and switched to a gargle with a single drop of oregano oil in a glass of water. 

sore throat

Cataplex A/C

I have so much respect for Standard process and their formulations, as well as Dr.Royal Lee who was a genius ahead of his time. 

Cataplex A-C and also Cataplex A-C-P are both on my go-to list. Cataplex A-C- P is a better fit for acute situations but all I had on hand was the A-C so that's what I took. In the first 24 hours my body was testing for 3 tablets at a time several times per day and by the second day it was more like 1 several times per day. That's part of how I knew that the cold was clearing quickly as my body was indicating it needed less and less of the remedies.

sore throat


I've done 8-16 mins lying on the PEMF mat each day and used the wand attachment over the glands by my throat. 

PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an excellent health promoting technology that I've used in my practice for many years now. It mimics the therapeutic frequencies of the earth (researched by NASA!) and reduces inflammation, increases cellular permeability and speeds recovery time.

I'm lucky to have this equipment in my living room, but it's not a cheap investment for most folks so the patients that have invested in a mat for themselves, did so after trying it in my practice over time and finding it really helped with their chronic pain, sleep and health issues. 

If you'd like more information about PEMF and have questions about getting a mat for you and your family (pets are quite fond of it!) reach out and I will answer your questions. 

sore throat

BODY CLEARING(TM) and Gratitude

As a mindfulness practice, I use components from my somatic, subtle body healing method along with gratitude to lessen the intensity of the sensations I'm experiencing and cooperate with my body's natural processes.

Every time I give a talk or demonstration people are amazed that they can actually change their physical sensation using the appropriately aligned energetic techniques. You are energy!! and these rules apply when you are sick as well.

I've had participants in my Self - Mastery Training, the Body Wisdom Academy reduce their chronic pain by 40-70% simply as a positive unintended SIDE-EFFECT of doing the self-mastery work. 

sore throat

Honorable Mention: Kickass Immune

This is sneak peek from a future post of my main overall cold remedies and one that I often take. I first heard about this formula from patients who started raving about it and I've found their line of herbal remedies and formulations to be really good. Suprisingly, my body indicated it didn't want this one this time, so it stayed on the shelf.

Like I said, these are by far not the only remedies in my arsenal, but are the ones I've been using these past few days and great go-to options for sore throat issues. It's actually surprising to me, writing all of these out that on paper it seems like I'm doing a lot. To me, it seems like a few simple things as I've developed these life habits over many many years. 

If you're just starting out on your mind-body, natural health journey, don't worry about trying to get it all correct or implement everything at one. 

Just choose one or two things and start allowing those to work for you. You can always add in additional things over time.

If you're needing more support, you can check out my online mind-body-soul centered health classes as well as my Healing Circle Membership where you get live bi-monthly access to me personally for the fraction of the cost of a regular doctor's visit. 

If you'd like an intro into how to do the body testing procedure I mention in this post for yourself - you can learn it for free with my Video Training - Making Soul Aligned Decisions. There, I'll teach you the procedure for not only making better life decisions, but there's a section of the training that explains how to choose appropriate remedies and foods as well.)



Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services.  No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.

Watch Leslie Huddart L.Ac. YouTube Videos​

Leslie Huddart's youtube channel

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(c) Leslie Huddart L.Ac. and Soul Body Health LLc.

We never sell your information. Please see our PRIVACY POLICY here.

Disclaimer: This program is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health or counseling services. No practitioner-patient relationship is established and the training content is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and nothing here is intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disorders.